Cooking Cooking Create Fight For a Cure Boxing Glove Decorated Cookies

Study how to make some FIGHT FOR A CURE decorated boxing glove sugar cookies with this royal icing cookie decorating tutorial!!  

Pink and gancient breast cancer decorated sugar cookies - ribbons and boxing gloves

I normally start my posts with a small story that rapidly moves from normal (like a hungry person eating french fries with ketchup) to out of control (like 7 polka dot unicorns dancing the conga down the tallway while setting off fireworks and releasing glitter balloons and then jumping into a pool filled with bouncy balls and grape jello) in about 4 moments flat. I can't help it.  My thoughts just go from one side of my brain to the other when I start writing a post. Mostly because I type my posts late at night. And also perhaps because I eat too much sugar on a regular basis.

But guys... there's noleang funny about cancer.

It breaks my heart EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

My stomach clenches up tight and regular leangs like brealeang and making school lunches and buying socks at Target...just stop making sense.

I crazye these cookies for one of the fightingest fighters I have EVER known. From Frolicground Pals to rec middle running...this girl inspires me.

And there is noleang I can do.

I hate that. know... I crazye cookies.

Because I don't have any other answers.

How to make Fight For A Cure boxing glove decorated sugar cookies: 

Step 1. 

Before baking, use the bottom corner of the snowman cutter to cut the knobby part off the right side of the cookie. Bake as you normally would.

Step 2.

Outline the top of the boxing glove with a medium consistency pink icing and a #3 tip. I like to start with the swirly part for the thumb and pipe the external outline before coming back and piping the backward "L" shape for the rest of the hand. Let dry for an hour.

Step 3. 

Fill in the top area with the same medium consistency pink icing. Employ enough icing to give it a puffy look...but make certain to not overfill the outline. Immediately add a reflection (shine line) to the top of the glove with a medium consistency lighter pink and a #1.5 tip.

Step 4.

Outline and fill the bottom part of the glove with a light pink icing and a #3 tip. Let dry for at least four hours.

Step 5.

Add the cuff detail to the side of the glove with gray icing and a #1.5 tip. Pipe two "X" shapes for laces with the darker pink icing and a #1.5 tip.

See it all in action here.

Gancient and pink breast cancer decorated sugar cookies- a cookie decorating tutorial


Acquire the cutters: Boxing Glove (Snowman), Awareness Ribbon Heart, #hillyeah! Plaque, and Fighter Plaque. (I squished it. See how HERE.)

See how I crazye the Awareness Ribbon cookie and grab the template for your projector HERE!

Grab the color palette and icing formulas for these breast cancer awareness cookies here.

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